Wednesday, September 25, 2013

South Jersey Rabbit Show 9/21/13

South Jersey Rabbit Show 9/21/13

I must say there was a nice turn out of Harlequin exhibitors! I counted at least 10 in Open and 8 in Youth. I know a few of us in the area are really trying to encourage others to work with Harlequins. Sorry but I do not know the results of the Open Harlequin Show.

In the youth show, A Jessica’s Chocolate Magpie Senior Doe won Best of Breed for her 1st leg towards her Grand Championship.


Here is Jessica and her Harlequin being groomed and waiting for the Best In Show Judging to commence.



In youth show, B Jessica’s English Angora Frazzle won Best of Breed. Here is Frazzle and Jessica waiting for Best In Show to be judged.



In the Open Rabbit Barn I did not do to bad myself. Even with my back hurting! My English Lop Darth Vader won his junior buck class under Jim Rowland. My English Angora junior buck Watson placed 2nd under Mary Ellen Stamets in Show A.

In Show B Watson was 1st place under Don Sheets and Lorelei my Satin Angora junior doe was Best of Breed.

A special THANK YOU to all of my fellow exhibitors that helped me groom, carry and hold rabbits while my back was bothering me! You are all awesome!

Niagara Frontier RBA Double Cavy Show Results

*Sorry No Photos this time!* 


The Niagara Frontier RBA held its Double Cavy Show on September 14 in Batavia, NY at the fairgrounds. The show was well attended there was over 100 cavy’s entered with quite a few youth cavies entered which is always great to see!


I traveled to NY with my friend Faith from MD. Friday night I had the great honor of having dinner with friends of mine Lorelei , Faith and Elaine. We ate at Alex’s Place which is known for its Ribs . They even won the People Choice Award in 2010, 2011 & 2012 at the ROC City Rib Fest! 


On show day once I got the cavies set up, I went over to chat with my angora friends. There was a BIG turnout of Giant Angoras from Jack and Karin Bailey and Marilyn DeMarree. I think I counted over 12 of them! There were a few French Angora being shown by Charlotte Schweikart, Kim Witherow and I believe a few other angora exhibitors. Charlotte’s beautiful Pointed White French Angora went on to win RIS I believe. There were a few English and Satin Angoras as well.  Next time I go to New York, I’ll bring some EA, GA & SA’s to show.


I also picked up something VERY, VERY Special at the New York Show! However, for now it’s a secrete!

My cavies did pretty well…


Under Faith Storms my cavy’s won...

·         Riddles (Coronet)  - Best of Breed Coronet /BJV/BJB (only one)

·         Patches (Peruvian) –3rd

·         Paddington (Peruvian)  – 1st

·         Hampton (Silkie) – 1st

·         M & M (Jessica’s Youth Teddy) – 1st


In the other show under Mary Lou Eisel...

·         Riddles (Coronet)  - Best of Breed Coronet /BJV/BJB (only one)

·         Patches (Peruvian) –2nd

·         Paddington (Peruvian)  – 1st

·         Hampton (Silkie) – 1st

·         M & M (Jessica’s Youth Teddy) – 1st


Once I got back to Maryland I drove to King George, VA to pick up animals that were waiting on me from my friend Kim who graciously picked them up from the North Carolina Show the day before. I am very blessed that I have such great Rabbit & Cavy Friends!

Friday, September 6, 2013

ARBA National Youth Entries Complete, YAY!

On August 31, 2013 Jessica complete all of her entries for the following ARBA National Youth Contest …Achievement, Management and Royalty.  Jessica will be competing with ARBA Youth Members from across the country!

For the Youth Achievement Contest is to acknowledge outstanding achievement and leadership by ARBA youth members in the rabbit and or cavy industry, as measure by activities and leadership in organizations and associations, performance at the show table, achievements in breeding and raising animals and the vision and the goals set for themselves in their projects. This included answering 13 questions with a maximum of 7 pages and 4500 words.

The Youth Management Contest is to acknowledge excellence of management style by ARBA youth members in the areas of housing and equipment, feeding and care of the animals, disease control as well as record keeping, breeding and genetics for the care and production of rabbits and or cavies. Jessica had to answer 18 questions 

The purpose of the Royalty Contest is to acknowledge excellence among ARBA youth members in attendance at the ARBA National Convention and Show;  to allow these members to demonstrate a working knowledge of the rabbit and cavy industry; to explore critical thinking skills, demonstrate personal initiative and provide problem-solving , decision making and goal setting activities. 

With the Royalty Contest Jessica had to answer 16 questions with a minimum of 5 pages and no more than 4500 words. She will also be judging a class of animals, breed ID, and other contest.

 I will let you know if Jessica places in any of these event’s towards the end of October, keep your fingers crossed!

Photo taken from Google Images