Saturday, May 30, 2015

Baltimore & Howard County Cavy Show 5/23/15

Briar is my five year old nephew. He is now old enough to show in real ARBA shows as a youth exhibitor. This spring I have had some lovely cavy babies born. Briar picked out both Thorn (Black Roan Silkie Sow) and Rose (Self Black Silkie Sow) the minute they were born. So these two ladies are super friendly, lol.

Last week Briar gave both of them there first bath and prepped them for the Baltimore & Howard County Cavy Show. All of Briar's hard work payed off when he won Reserve in Show with Rose!

BIS youth Jamie Berkebile  and Briar RIS with Judge Frank Westley
   photo credits go to the Awesome Lisa Swatsky

Look at that Big Smile

Friday, May 29, 2015

English Angora transformation over a few weeks

English Angora transformation over a few weeks...

Photos from the Pitchfork's & Bucket's 4-H Club

The Pitchfork's & Bucket's 4-H Club did an Awesome job of putting on multiple shows each day. I rode to the show with my good friend Brandy and her daughter Caroline. We were stuffed full!!!

I was honored to win a Best In Specialty Show my Giant Angora.

Introducing Grand Champion Fuzzibutt's Piccadilly

Fuzzibutt's Piccadilly earned her 3rd Senior Leg last weekend at the Baltimore & Howard County RCBA Show in West Friendship, MD. Piccadilly, is Fuzzibutt's Rabbitry & Caviary's 3rd Grand Champion with a Full and Complete Pedigree.

Piccadilly, was awarded Best of Breed in both shows. Not that hard part decided if I want to conitue to coat her out for shows this fall or clip her down and put her into breeding. My goal all along has been to coat Piccadilly out for this years Convention in Oregon in November.